Nature Made
Paradigm shifts towards liberation require the resonance of nature. If there is a shift that we desire, we must first listen to the natural rhythm of our own being. We then begin to remember who we are. At the exact right time, and moment we then begin to dance towards liberation. The expression of our nature and freedom never happens too soon or too late. Our liberation is always right on time.
Freedom Doula
Like water on the earth, we must allow the currents of trust to birth our liberation. Freedom’s cleansing waters of trust bring us to the space of our origins. A sweet reminder of when we turn inwards we remember that we’ve always been free. This simple, but not easy, act of remembering gives us permission to move forward into the possibility of liberation. We integrate contrast, and begin loving through difference. Aligning with our sovereignty, interdependency, and accountability, we embody freedom.
Pleasure Activism
The serendipitous, transformative, and alchemical properties of pleasure are all inhabitants of our liberation. When we say no to our pleasures, we are colluding with the oppression of our being, creating fractures within our bodies, hearts and minds. When we say yes to our pleasure, we begin to enact integrity and agency in our relationship to others and ourselves. Choice breeds liberation. The embodied, satiated, and fulfilled individual walks us towards our collective and communal nourishment. A love ethic is restored within our homes, and healing has a chance.