“Something very small, so tiny and insignificant as to be almost invisible in its origin, can nonetheless open up a new and radiant perspective because through it a higher order of being is trying to express itself. These unlikely happenings could be hidden all around us, lying in wait on the border of our awareness, or floating quietly amid the sea of information that we drown in, each one bearing the potential to bloom and irradiate violently, prying apart the floorboards of this world to show us what lies beneath.”
- Benjamin Labatut
Kalah Hill, Founder of In Pleasure We Trust
Proud Member of Sacred Eros
Photography Courtesy of Linka Odom
Freedom Doula, Pleasure Activist, and Shame Slayer, Kalah Hill is the founder of In Pleasure We Trust. She is a guide of equanimity, truth, and solidarity. Kalah rests in trusting that when people affirm and integrate their pleasure, freedom will be born. Through her many years as a student of trust, Kalah regenerates space with her clients with care and stable rootedness. Love and freedom are not languages of constriction, rather they both speak of expanse, and orient towards possibility. Kalah guides those who are ready, to arrive within the heart spaces where our sensations meets.
Kalah evokes permission for sovereignty within the landscape of our social interdependency. In her work Kalah unravels the illusions of conditional love that create communities of conformity and insatiability. Kalah’s practice reveals our human capacity to be in equanimity, trust, and deep satisfaction. Her healing balm of pleasure is how she creates a bridge of solidarity in crossing the threshold into liberation. Kalah has the ability to nourish, hold accountability, and maintain a moral duty to pleasure. This allows those who work with Kalah the ability to trust their full desires for life, and return home to themselves and their relations. Kalah’s experience and facilitation is multidisciplinary ranging from biological and ecosystem based sciences, somatic coaching, social justice, maiden to mother lineage, and doula work.
Kalah’s training and certifications include...
M.A. in Marine Affairs and Policy, B.S. in Biology, 200hr Progressive Ashtanga Yoga Certification, Postpartum Doula Certification from Birth Arts International, Reiki Level One, Foundations of Social Justice, Self Awareness for Social Justice, 500hr Somatic Soul Coach Certification™, Trauma of Money Method Certified Practitioner, Maiden to Mother Teacher Certification.